Written by Matt Zavadil
Updated September 22, 2024

Go Here for the MLM Bootcamp Training I mention in above video
How long does it take to make money in network marketing?
If that’s a question in your mind, then make sure you pay attention all the way to the end because I’m going to give you the 3 Major Factors that determine how long it takes to make money in MLM.
Biblical example of leadership AND the results of patient marketing of your MLM business:
In Exodus 6: 9-12, we’re told about the reluctance of Moses to follow God’s directive to tell Egypt’s Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave the country.
But Moses was frustrated because even his own people weren’t listening as he told them about God’s promise to free them from Egypt.
So he asked God in verse 10, “My own people won’t listen to me anymore. How can I expect Pharaoh to listen? I’m such a clumsy speaker!”
Sound familiar?
How many people have you tried to tell about your product or service or business?
Keep talking my friend.
How many times have you prayed for something and it still hasn’t materialized?
Sometimes a clear message from God is followed by a period when no change in the situation occurs. Setbacks may happen and this turns you away from “keeping on.”
Don’t give up as a leader! As Moses focused on obedience to God rather than immediate results, he eventually saw the results.
It’s the same with us in business. We MUST not focus on immediate results. Instead, we must focus on doing day to day those things that will eventually turn into more people listening, more people buying, and more people joining your business.
Take this lesson heart, my friend 🙂
Abbreviated Transcript of Above Video
So, how long does it take to make money in network marketing?
The first factor that determines how long it will take for you is what I call your current influence.
For example, are you a doctor or attorney with a large database of people who respect you and who will take almost immediate action on your network marketing business or product recommendations?
Or, do you have a huge social media following upon joining your MLM business?
In these cases, you can expect to earn money relatively quickly.
If not? Then, you need to temper your expectations and “get real” so to speak LOL
Take note of your current level of influence with the people who already know you. 80 to 90% don’t have it. That means you need to come in wiht a longer expectation in terms when you’re gonna start making serious money in your NM buseiness.
The 2nd factor that affects how fast you’ll earn money in MLM is your sales and marketing skills.
Haven’t done sales before or set up an online sales funnel?
It’s OK if you don’t have these skills. But you must come in with the correct expectations.
You can learn them.
3rd factor is your leadership skills.
Can you lead?
Or are you learning to lead?
Remember that the first necessary skill is to lead yourself. For example, do you commonly get excited and make commitments to yourself, and then you don’t follow through?
Gonna take longer to make money in your network marketing business, bc you need to fix that first.
We can’t lead others until we learn to lead ourselves. It’s impossible.
So you have deficiencies in one of these three areas.
Here’s what to do next:
Use Leadership lessons from the Bible: Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon
Or non-biblical resources By reading books by a John Maxwell, for instance
Sales and marketing: Youtube, read sales and marketing books, buy courses. Get resourceful and improve. Again, that’s what this bootcamp training is all about.
It teaches you how to expertly use social media if you have no following yet or you do and you’re repelling your audience rather than attracting them in as qualified leads, product sales, or team members. If that’s you consider opting in for our bootcamp trainings that teach on all the sales and marketing topics.
And in the first email I’ll send you I’ll show you how you can join our FB group where over 30k MLM leaders and leaders in training are helping one another build bigger network marketing businesses.