Matt ZavadilWritten by Matt Zavadil
Updated November 9, 2024

Overcoming rejection in network marketing…

Not always easy, is it?

I remember as a new network marketer, coming from an employee mindset, and how it took me a transition period to think like an entrepreneur.

And you might feel nervous about sharing your business with others even if you love the product or service.

What if I face rejection, you ask yourself, right?

Hey, it’s all perfectly normal.

The good news is that you can learn how to handle rejection, and even build your business in a way where you don’t face prospecting rejection.

And by the way:

Overcoming rejection in network marketing doesn’t mean you have to necessarily have a thick skin or simply ignore negative feedback.

Instead, it’s about understanding why rejection happens and using those insights to improve your approach.

Related Reading:

How The Attraction Marketing Formula Will Build Your MLM Business

My Review Of The Attraction Marketing Formula

How To Buy Leads For Your Network Marketing Business

Expect Rejection in Network Marketing

If you’re going to thrive as a network marketer, understanding that rejection is part of the process is key.

Your MLM company might tell you that “everyone’s a prospect”, but this only sets you up for disappointment.

Does it sound reasonable that “everyone” will feel ready to buy from you right away?

Rejection is simply a signal that the person you’re talking to might not be the right fit at that specific moment.

So don’t see those ‘no’s’ as a personal attack.

Think of them as part of the journey.

Embracing rejection as a learning experience will allow you to move through challenges and continuously refine your approach.

Feature Download (if you’re a struggling MLM rep):

I’ve put together a free “MLM Quick-Start Video Guide” that shows you How To Attract 3-7 New MLM Customers & Team Members Per Week Without Prospecting A Single Person.

In it, I show you how to intimately know the pains & goals of your prospects so that you attract the BEST leads for your business.

You’ll never have to spam strangers scripted messages OR bug your friends and family ever again…

Click here to grab it all.
YouTube video

Go here for the Business-Building Training I mention in above video

People Don’t Understand Network Marketing

Network marketing, often called direct sales or multi-level marketing (MLM), isn’t always well-understood.

Some people still think it’s a ‘pyramid scheme’ or believe that it’s not a legitimate way to make money (and they are in ERROR).

This lack of understanding, unfortunately, contributes to rejection, especially when sharing your opportunity with your warm market.

In my experience, the key aspect here is to get out of your comfort zone…

Make it a point to seek out and learn new skills that help you communicate more effectively. With this education, you’ll find that you become more adept at overcoming fear.

Timing Really Is Everything

Timing is another big factor when it comes to rejection in the network marketing industry.

Your prospect may be going through something in their life that prevents them from jumping into a business opportunity or committing to making a purchase right now.

Instead of getting discouraged, learn to read the signals when talking to prospects. As you do, you’ll find that you can respond more effectively.

Getting better in this area might help you say:

"I get it if now isn't the best time for you. But are you open to having me followup at some point in the future?"

Strategies for Overcoming Rejection in Network Marketing

infographic with 5 steps toward overcoming rejection in network marketing

OK, it doesn’t necessarily make it easier to cope with rejection just because you know it’s a factor in MLM.

None of can ignore what it feels like when someone “rejects” us.

Give yourself permission to acknowledge the feeling…but then…

…make sure you have strategies to help you continue on positively.

Feature Download (if you’re a struggling MLM rep):

I’ve put together a free “MLM Quick-Start Video Guide” that shows you How To Attract 3-7 New MLM Customers & Team Members Per Week Without Prospecting A Single Person.

In it, I show you how to intimately know the pains & goals of your prospects so that you attract the BEST leads for your business.

You’ll never have to spam strangers scripted messages OR bug your friends and family ever again…

Click here to grab it all.

I Bought This, Then Built a 9-Levels Deep Int’l Organization (click “play” to see details in Review Video below):

YouTube video

Change Your Mindset about “No”

A strategy I learned was to look at rejection as more of an opportunity than a personal failure.

I saw one person’s “no” as a step toward the next person’s “yes.”

And as well, I learned that “No” doesn’t necessarily mean “no” forever.

Detach Yourself from Outcomes

I also figured out that we can keep ourselves from getting too emotionally invested in any one particular interaction.

Know that you can detach yourself from all outcomes, where you say:

“I won’t get too high when things go great, but I also won’t go in the dumps whenever things don’t go as I expected.”

Working your MLM business that way will keep you from getting burned out or feeling drained when you get a few “nos” before the next “yes” pops up.

Don’t try to be perfect here! Build your business one conversation at a time, without getting all emotionally wrapped up in it all.

Learn From Every Conversation

Try to view rejection as feedback.

Take time to evaluate each conversation and look for the most common questions or concerns you run into.

Think about which part of your pitch resonated well and which parts seemed to raise a red flag.

Make small adjustments along the way and be ready to change tactics as you go.

I once received over 40 rejections in a row before I made a sale.

That was tough to go through 🙂

But looking back, I realized that all of those no’s taught me how to handle objections.

Sometimes the rejections you go through today will make it easier for you to overcome the challenges of tomorrow.

Be Patient With the Process

It took Thomas Edison almost 10,000 tries before he got the lightbulb working the way he envisioned it.

That type of perseverance might seem insane to most of us…

…but when you’re working on building your network marketing business, some days will test your patience.

You might even think about quitting at times because rejection never feels good.

It’s all part of the experience though. Even entrepreneurs outside of the network marketing world often experience massive challenges.

Surround Yourself with the Right Tribe

Negativity is contagious, especially when you’re in the process of building a new network marketing opportunity.

When starting out, some of the people you’ll hear negativity from might surprise you.

People like friends and family are often not as supportive as you would hope, mainly because they worry about you.

The same holds true for co-workers, acquaintances, and other people in your inner circle.

Find positive communities (like our group here) filled with network marketing professionals who provide mentorship.

Feature Download (if you’re a struggling MLM rep):

I’ve put together a free “MLM Quick-Start Video Guide” that shows you How To Attract 3-7 New MLM Customers & Team Members Per Week Without Prospecting A Single Person.

In it, I show you how to intimately know the pains & goals of your prospects so that you attract the BEST leads for your business.

You’ll never have to spam strangers scripted messages OR bug your friends and family ever again…

Click here to grab it all.
YouTube video
In The Above Video, I Talk About 
"Attracting 3-7 New Customers & Team Members Per Week Without Prospecting A Single Person"

Click Here To Get All The Details!

Overcoming the Fear

Often, the biggest challenge in direct sales isn’t actually rejection, it’s fear of the unknown.

Fear often keeps us playing small.

It can really make you wonder though – if most people experience fear in business, how do top producers do it?

How do the people earning those huge six and seven-figure incomes do what they do?

Reframing Fear

High earners learn to see those moments as growth opportunities.

I let fear keep me playing small in the beginning of my journey.

While I still experience fear, I do my best to consciously make decisions that keep me working toward what I desire.

You can do the same thing!

Replace Fear With Your Goals

One way to deal with the fear of rejection is to constantly think about the consequences if you don’t go all-in on your goals.

Maybe you can replace your fear of business building activities with the fear of going back to your friends and family…

…and having to tell everyone you failed.

To me, that’s far more terrifying than anything I deal with while growing my business.

It motivates me to keep going on the tough days because quitting really isn’t an option for me.

Develop Powerful New Skills

In today’s internet marketing world, there are many different programs and training available to help network marketers build solid businesses.

The strategies you’ll learn in high-quality training programs like the one I can introduce you to here will help you level up quickly.

Take the time to research, explore, and find mentors whose messaging you connect with.

It’s the marketing, sales, and personal development skills that helped me the most over the years.

I learned that cold calling isn’t necessary, that I can build from my blog, LinkedIn, and other social media, as I created a true online business.

If you know you need to develop new skills, then devote your next year (at minimum) to mastering them.

Doing so will help you start getting new eye balls daily on your MLM business. The correct skills make network marketing fun!

Use a System While Overcoming Rejection in Network Marketing

Plugging into an effective system is also key, especially for busy people.

Don’t feel as though you have to spend all your free time promoting your product or service in order to grow your business.

I see many new network marketers try to talk to too many people where the conversation are inauthentic. Take your time at first. Understand your target audience so you can have more meaningful conversations.

Develop your own action plan and decide which platforms or tools might make your prospecting easier.

You could use automated systems and sales funnels that guide people to your product even when you’re busy working on other things.

YouTube video

Here’s the extra info I mention in above video

System Component Benefits
High-Converting Landing Page
  • Captures leads automatically
  • Provides valuable information about your products or services
  • Integrates with your email autoresponder so that you can build a relationship with your audience
Engaging Email Sequence
  • Educates potential customers about your product
  • Offers free value through helpful content
  • Subtly invites subscribers to learn more about your products, services, or business opportunity
High-Value Free Content
  • Builds authority
  • Establishes you as an expert in your niche
  • Makes people want to join your network

Automating your business with a streamlined, well-thought-out system gives you the chance to leverage your time, especially when building your network marketing business online.

When you build this type of structure, you remove yourself from the center of the sales cycle.

Not sure how to find a system that helps streamline your prospecting and selling? We have a system in our MLM community that you can tap into here.

Feature Download (if you’re a struggling MLM rep):

I’ve put together a free “MLM Quick-Start Video Guide” that shows you How To Attract 3-7 New MLM Customers & Team Members Per Week Without Prospecting A Single Person.

In it, I show you how to intimately know the pains & goals of your prospects so that you attract the BEST leads for your business.

You’ll never have to spam strangers scripted messages OR bug your friends and family ever again…

Click here to grab it all.
YouTube video

FAQs About Overcoming Rejection in Network Marketing

How do you handle rejection in marketing?

Start by owning that you will face it. And don’t take any of it personally. See it as the opportunity I talked about above…a chance for growth and improvement.

How do you overcome negativity in network marketing?

Overcoming negativity involves both an internal and external approach. Become better at reframing your negative thoughts. Develop strong mental resilience. Focus on your goals and vision, seeking motivation and inspiration from your network or mentors.

Why do people fail in network marketing?

I typically see people struggle or quit network marketing because the came in with bad expectations. They think they’ll have instant success and money. Don’t do this to yourself. Understand the “long game” of building an MLM business. Get a clear vision, find training and support, and set up an effective marketing system.

How to handle fear in network marketing?

If you want to learn how to handle fear in network marketing, there are many successful leaders and trainers willing to propel your success. Look for mastermind groups so you can connect with and learn from other MLM pros.

Final Thoughts on Overcoming Rejection in Network Marketing

Overcoming rejection in network marketing takes mental fortitude. You gotta be willing to embrace those no’s. See them as part of the path.

Know going in that MLM isn’t “get rich quick.” It’s a journey you’re on…one that will challenge you and sometimes bring thoughts of quitting to mind.

But if you stick with it, get around positive people, learn the necessary marketing skills, then you’ll find this to be rewarding!

Overall, overcoming rejection in network marketing is accomplished by having a big vision. One that keeps you from letting small setbacks to get you down.

Set realistic expectations and avoid the “get-rich quick” mindset.

By the way, are feeling a little better about rejection, but think it’s overwhelming when you see all you have to learn?

I get it…been there LOL

That’s why I encourage you to pick up my free Quick Start Video Training

Grab it here, and then just take it step by step.

Feature Download (if you’re a struggling MLM rep):

I’ve put together a free “MLM Quick-Start Video Guide” that shows you How To Attract 3-7 New MLM Customers & Team Members Per Week Without Prospecting A Single Person.

In it, I show you how to intimately know the pains & goals of your prospects so that you attract the BEST leads for your business.

You’ll never have to spam strangers scripted messages OR bug your friends and family ever again…

Click here to grab it all.
YouTube video

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