Written by Matt Zavadil
Updated February 9, 2025
I’ve combined my former 3-part series of tips for network marketing success into a 1-stop resource you can use to move your business into a place where you say:
Yes! I did it!
This industry isn’t hard. It’s just not simple.
There are mines to navigate. Do it right & you’ll succeed, converting as many MLM leads as you can handle into product sales and downline distributors.
Do it wrong and BOOM! It’s all over and you’re done 🙁
In this 3 part series each part will focus on one Mental idea & one Marketing idea.
Here’s what you’re going to learn over the next few minutes:
Feature Download: I’ve put together a free “Quick-Start Guide” that shows you how to implement the theory this post explains to you.
In this collection of MLM guides, you’re shown step-by-step how to get set up so you’re getting quality prospects for your network marketing business.
You’ll learn 5 Simple Steps to More MLM Leads: How to Recruit with the Push of a Button”, plus 5 Bonus Trainings that teach you:
- How to use Facebook
- How to use LinkedIn
- How to use the “Reverse Invite Method”
- The problem with social media for prospecting
- 3 strategies for more MLM leads
So you get more prospects WITHOUT the rejection.
Are you possibly making the MLM advertising mistakes I go over in this video:

Click here for the Business-Building Training I mention in the above video
Part 1: Self Control Is One Of The Most Vital Network Marketing Tips
The first Mental idea you must master is Self Control.
Napoleon Hill tells us in “The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons” that
“All successful people grade high on self control! All ‘failures’ grade low, generally zero, on this important law of human conduct.”
Where can a lack of self control show up and damage your MLM business?

Jumping Ship
It’s absolutely amazing how many people in network marketing jump ship from “deal” to “deal”. One minute I see folks on social media promoting a company and then next month they’ve found the “next great thing”.
That’s a lack of self control.
People you look up to as successes in this industry got there because they drew a line in the sand. They chose their company and finally said,
“I’m in. I’m winning here, that’s it period!”
They probably said this in their 5th or 6th company, so don’t feel too bad…LOL
My point is that jumping from company to company is revealing your inability to exercise self control. Find where you “fit” and feel passionate and you work that opportunity until you succeed or die.
Misusing Social Media
Depending on how often you’re on my blog you may or may not know my stance on marketing.
I don’t promote offline marketing. Not because it doesn’t work but because it only works for a select few (those who come to the table with a warm market list that respects them…great examples are attorneys, doctors, established local businesspeople, etc).
I created an international downline by blogging after many years of struggling offline so it’s simply based on my own experience.
Actually, there were times during my struggles with the 3-foot rule, Starbucks 1on1’s, inviting folks to our Tues night Burbank CA opp meetings, etc when I saw some success & synergy.
The challenge for me was I still never enjoyed the actual activities…which I know is a key to working the Law of Attraction.
Personally, I LOVE performing the online strategies that work well, such as blogging, paid media, etc. Hey, if you love talking to one person for 90 minutes, go for it…I just know I can do a webinar & show 100 people my plan in the same 90 minutes.
Anyway, what I see happening on social media is networkers doing the same silly things they teach us to do offline.
Let’s go to Napoleon Hill again:
“One very common & destructive form of lack of self control is the habit of talking too much. People of wisdom, who know what they want & are bent on getting it guard their conversation carefully…It is nearly always more profitable to listen than it is to speak.”
When you go to Twitter, Instagram or Facebook and say things like, “I have the best opportunity in the world, come join me”, or “Our products are so awesome & we have a sale this month. Contact me to buy.”
It smacks of unprofessionalism, lack of self control, and is an example of bad social media use.
Worst of all, it doesn’t work. Does it? LOL
Related Reading:
How The Attraction Marketing Formula Will Build Your MLM Business
Network Marketing Tips for Success On Social Media
So how can you develop self control with your social media marketing?
Pay attention to the above Napoleon Hill quote & LISTEN. Yes, listen on social media. If you do you’ll find the right people to market to.
Successful marketing on social media means sharing tips & solutions that are relevant to your core audience.
It does you no good to shout on Twitter that your product does wonders for diabetes if I don’t have diabetes! I really don’t care, right? It does you no good to shout on Facebook that your product is the best makeup line on the planet if I don’t care about makeup.
You need targeted social media followers. People looking for the solutions your products provide. Then, instead of shouting at them you should be offering them tips that help their lives, get them to like & trust you, and get them to WANT to contact you.
I get into more detail in my social media section. Click here for that training.
What We Learned In Part 1
Develop & practice self control as you build your business. This means staying true to your company of choice. It means becoming educated on social media techniques that develop trust in you in the mind of your prospect.
It also means learning how to restrain from talking too much on the phone with prospects. Listen at every chance you get.
In Part 2 of this network marketing tips mini-series (found below), I talk about a vital mindset you must attain if you ever expect to win.
I also expand on the idea of becoming a trusted ADVISOR to your prospects.
If you’re a bit impatient I’ll let you know that a blog is vital. It’s your Internet HUB.
How To Become An Empowered MLM Professional
One of the best tips for network marketing success I ever received was from a guy who taught me to be strategic in my marketing. There IS a better, more strategic way to building your MLM business than hitting up your lazy Uncle Bob for the 9th time 🙂
Feature Download: I’ve put together a free “Quick-Start Guide” that shows you how to implement the theory this post explains to you.
In this collection of MLM guides, you’re shown step-by-step how to get set up so you’re getting quality prospects for your network marketing business.
You’ll learn 5 Simple Steps to More MLM Leads: How to Recruit with the Push of a Button”, plus 5 Bonus Trainings that teach you:
- How to use Facebook
- How to use LinkedIn
- How to use the “Reverse Invite Method”
- The problem with social media for prospecting
- 3 strategies for more MLM leads
So you get more prospects WITHOUT the rejection.
Part 2: Two More Vital Network Marketing Tips Revealed – Becoming The Trusted Advisor

Network marketing secrets revealed!
Are these really “secrets” I’m revealing? Yes & no, I would say. The word “secret” brings to mind that there’s some sort of “magic formula” to creating a large international downline.
In reality, there’s absolutely nothing magical or secretive about it. It takes a combination of mental focus/clarity and proper marketing skills.
As I told you above, each part of this 3-part series will focus on one Mental idea & one Marketing idea.
Network Marketing Secrets Revealed: Accurate Thought
Once again let’s go to Napoleon Hill for guidance on this mental practice. In “The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons”, Hill says
“Know YOURSELF & you know the entire human race. There is but one real achievement & that’s the ability to THINK ACCURATELY.”
What does Hill mean by “Accurate Thought“?
The first fundamental is to develop your ability to separate FACTS from mere INFORMATION.
The second fundamental is to separate facts into two areas: important & unimportant (or relevant & irrelevant).
Accurate Thought & Network Marketing

There’s plenty of “information” inside the MLM industry, isn’t there?
If you’re not careful it’s easy to get bush-wacked with irrelevant information in terms of successfully building your organization.
If you’re not careful, you can spend a ton of time on the wrong activities…activities that keep you from your goal of steadily building your business over time.

OK, I already talked about “jumping ship” & social media tactics that get you nowhere.
I also promised to expand on how you can become a trusted ADVISOR in the eyes of your network marketing prospects.
Let’s move into how using Accurate Thought can help you accomplish this…
Becoming a Trusted Advisor To Your MLM Prospects is One of the BIG Network Marketing Tips

Important Bald-Headed Englishman Story
There’s plenty of ways to build a network marketing business that some folks say are the only correct ways.
I remember back when I first started having success recruiting folks by ignoring every traditional offline technique in the book. Using 100% online methods to attract and recruit folks I was building my organization all over the planet.
My upline and I decided to attend a local seminar our company brought out to Los Angeles. This guy they used to call the bald-headed Englishman gets on stage and starts spouting about how using the Internet doesn’t work.
His exact words to us that Friday night were:
“anyone using the Internet is an absolute fool”.
I Looked At My Upline Like “Whaaaaaat?”
The bald-headed Englishman made the concept very “black & white”.
The Internet simply doesn’t work to build a network marketing organization, he said.
Yet, here I was looking at a back office filling up with hundreds of people ranging from America to Canada to Australia to Japan to South Africa to Europe.
I was building an international team doing none of the bald-headed guy’s offline stuff that I honestly didn’t enjoy doing.
And I know from my limited knowledge of how our subconscious minds work that if I don’t enjoy something then I’ll be hard-pressed to become good at it.
I thoroughly enjoyed (and still do!) using online techniques to find targeted prospects for my business. And I became damn good at it…LOL
What the bald guy couldn’t understand is that I was successful at recruiting an international downline because my prospects saw me as their trusted advisor.
Let me first give you some idea of why the Internet is made for MLM & how most people are doing it all wrong.
The Internet Is Made For MLM
Marketing your products & opportunity online is fantastic because the Internet allows you to target a specific “niche“.
If your product is coffee, it’s easy to attract coffee lovers.
If your product helps a certain health condition or in losing weight, it’s easy to attract people concerned with that health challenge or who want to lose weight.
Why Most Networkers Can’t Get The Internet To “Work”
Whole BUNCH of reasons for this.
To keep it brief, one major obstacle is the replicated website or store front your MLM company may have provided you.
Problem: They’re all the same. There’s nothing unique. Google (and other search engines) doesn’t like this. So Google basically kills your ability to rank your company site.
Another obstacle is a lack of proper Internet training.
As I mentioned above & discuss in my social media section, most MLM reps are simply shouting the same nonsense online that they do offline when they cold prospect at the mall or try the silly “3-foot rule”.
Another obstacle: your company may be in the dark ages & actually discourages you from using the Internet. Let me just say it:
That’s plain dumb
There are many other reasons why most network marketers can’t turn the Internet into a 24/7, automated lead generation MACHINE.
Every single factor goes back to one single reason: Accurate Thought has been thrown out the window.
By the way, my intention here isn’t to insult anyone. If you’ve struggled to this point I get it! I struggled 20 years offline, then for a time online…but once I was taught how to think about the Internet “accurately”…my business was transformed!
So I get it…just like me at first, you simply haven’t been exposed to the network marketing tips that show you how to correctly use online marketing to build your business.
My intention is to help you overcome this challenge.
So, How Do You Become a Trusted Advisor?
You blog.
Ta da! Network marketing tips and secrets revealed…LOL
Seriously, though, you blog. Blogging is how I built an international downline. I go into great detail about this lead generation method in my Best MLM Leads post.
You will, too, if you embrace it.
Success in network marketing is all about these 4 keys:
- Lead generation/build relationships
- Conversion to sales
- Monthly consumption of your products
- Recruiting folks into your downline
Your Blog Handles Step 1 For You
If you can’t generate network marketing leads it doesn’t matter how great you are at converting to MLM product sales or recruiting distributors and cultivating a team culture, right?
Blogging solves your MLM lead generation problem (without breaking any of your company rules or government regulations) because you don’t blog about your company, your products or your opportunity blatantly.

Instead, you blog about the problems your products solve.
You’re in your company because you’re passionate about the results of your products, correct?
So, if you’re in a coffee MLM, you start a “benefits of coffee” blog and simply create content about these benefits.
Then, you steer your reader toward your replicated site or store.
If you’re in a health & wellness MLM, you start a blog about health & wellness.
Make up company? Legal company? Travel company?
Doesn’t matter…It always works the same.
Your readers come to appreciate your content, tips & advice. As they come to like & trust you they eventually want to buy and/or join you when you link them over to your replicated company site.
You’ve become their trusted advisor inside the niche your company’s products naturally place you in.
You’ve separated yourself from the pack, so to speak, of everyone else in your company. You’ve created your own “niche” within your niche.
As your readership grows, your lead flow grows. As your lead flow grows, your business thrives.
And your leads are real MLM prospects. They already feel like they “know” you from your blog’s content.
Getting the picture?
I hope you are. Once I started blogging my business building felt effortless. No longer was I “pushing” people. They came to me.
In Part 3 below, I expand on this idea more so you can fully understand how blogging will revolutionize your network marketing business.
Feature Download: I’ve put together a free “Quick-Start Guide” that shows you how to implement the theory this post explains to you.
In this collection of MLM guides, you’re shown step-by-step how to get set up so you’re getting quality prospects for your network marketing business.
You’ll learn 5 Simple Steps to More MLM Leads: How to Recruit with the Push of a Button”, plus 5 Bonus Trainings that teach you:
- How to use Facebook
- How to use LinkedIn
- How to use the “Reverse Invite Method”
- The problem with social media for prospecting
- 3 strategies for more MLM leads
So you get more prospects WITHOUT the rejection.
Part 3: Your Own Network Marketing Tips HUB

This section marks Part 3 in my 3-part network marketing tips series.
Like I said above, be careful of the word “secret”.
There’s nothing magical or mystical about creating an international downline as you market on the Internet.
The “secret” is hard work & dedication…and knowing the right areas to focus your hard work on, which is the entire point of my rantings throughout this entire post…LOL
Speaking of Knowledge let’s consult with Napoleon Hill once more…
Gathering Knowledge
“There are two major methods of gathering knowledge, namely, by studying, classifying and assimilating facts which have been organized by other people, and through one’s own process of gathering, organizing and classifying facts, generally called ‘personal experience’.”
The above words are in “The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons”.
I’ve focused on one Mental tip & one Marketing tip in each of these sections because both aspects are vital to your success with building a network marketing business.
You need to work hard. But there’s nothing worse than working your ass off on the wrong marketing techniques.
I learned this by gathering, organizing and classifying my OWN facts. I learned the hard way. I ignored the advice of others who came before me for too long.
My intention is to help you avoid going down the long, dark path of trying this, trying that, getting off course, getting back on course…yuck!
Network Marketing Tips
Who Am I Talking To?
Before I finalize Part 3 with marketing info allow me to clarify who I’m speaking to.
I’m talking to you if:
- you’re tired of doing 1on1 coffee shop meetings
- you’re tired of inviting 10-15 people a week to an opp meeting only to see 0-2 show up
- you’re tired of the 3-foot rule
- you’re tired of seeing your Twitter or Facebook posts go ignored
- you’re tired of setting new goals every 3-6 months because the last set of goals always go unmet
Marketing Hub: Now You’re the Network Marketing Tips Source
All right, so if you enjoy the fact that you need to talk to 100 people offline to find 1-3 quality reps, have at it…LOL
If you’re ready to become a professional online network marketer, let’s move forward with the last set of network marketing tips…
If you disbelieve anything I say next, then I challenge you to gather the correct knowledge by contacting 5 leaders in the industry with an Internet presence.
Ask them exactly how they’ve risen to the top. Even the guys who preach offline marketing methods have what I call a Marketing Hub.
They have a blog.
Yes, We’re Back to Blogging
You need to “own” your own piece of Internet Real Estate.
Understand This – you don’t own any of the following profiles:
If you do or say something against their Terms of Service, an account with 1, 3, 5+ years of content can be gone, wiped clean, instantly.
The same goes for so-called free blogging platforms like:
- Blogger
- Wordpress.com
- Yola
- Medium
- etc.
If your entire web presence is depending on any of these types of services you’ve placed your business & all your hard work at risk.
Setting up your own “paid” blog is the only way to own a piece of the Internet and build your MLM business on your own terms..
You’re paying for the right to do and say as you please.
Hub – A Whole Different Ball Game
Your blog becomes your (Network) Marketing Hub. Everything else you do online points straight back to your marketing hub.
Your focus changes too.
Instead of focusing your social media activity on a desperate attempt to get cold leads to your company’s replicated website or store (see Part 2 above for why these don’t work), you now focus your hard work on moving your cold social MLM leads to your blog.
Think of your social media channels as the handshake at a social event. Your blog is the relationship building mechanism.
Re-read the 4 keys to MLM success in Part 2 above.
The first piece of your marketing funnel you must fix is your ability to generate quality network marketing leads & build a relationship with them.
If you don’t master that skill then you’ll never build a predictable business of sales, monthly consumption and team building.
The Cool Part About These Network Marketing Tips
Back to Napoleon Hill’s quote about Gathering Knowledge…you have an opportunity to leverage my experience & past MLM heartbreak.
My personal discovery has been that consistently blogging helps overcome the need to become a technical online marketing wizard.
To clarify, I never did any hardcore split testing of sales pages, looking at analytics & stats all day long, or any of the other (to me) boring & uninspiring technical analysis stuff the Internet can take you down.
I’ve simply focused on being a real human being who’s consistently put out content to the best of my ability to my target market:
people who are already telling me through their Google searches that they’re interested in solving the problems my product solves.
And that’s all YOU need to do.
Use These Network Marketing Tips & Get Started
I encourage you to just start…make a commitment to yourself, your family and your business to blog.
Is there stuff to learn? Of course. Will your blog turn into a 24/7 lead generation machine overnight? Of course not.
But remember the story of the tortoise & the hare?
While everyone else in your company is busy setting up 1on1’s, inviting people who don’t show up or bugging the guy at the shoe store… thinking that all their “busy-ness” will hopefully turn into results…
…you’ll be steadily blogging away…
…until you see that 10 people a day are visiting your blog
…then 50
…then 100
…then 500
…then 1000 people a day are on your blog
…warming up to you
…seeing you as their trusted advisor
…and buying your products
…and joining your team
It happened to me.
My intention is to make sure it happens for you.
Let Me End With This
Go forth and start blogging. Do it somewhere. Just get started.
It’s true that there are complicated as well as simple ways to set up your blog.
If you’d like the simplest way I’ve found to date, I invite you to click here & grab the collection of MLM training guides I’ve put together for you…
..these guides will show you how to start putting the pieces together so you end up with a social media & blogging plan that results in MLM success.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this 3 part series & that it’s helped enlighten you as to what’s possible & that your MLM dreams will come true once you market in an efficient manner. YOU CAN DO THIS!!
Feature Download: I’ve put together a free “Quick-Start Guide” that shows you how to implement the theory this post explains to you.
In this collection of MLM guides, you’re shown step-by-step how to get set up so you’re getting quality prospects for your network marketing business.
You’ll learn 5 Simple Steps to More MLM Leads: How to Recruit with the Push of a Button”, plus 5 Bonus Trainings that teach you:
- How to use Facebook
- How to use LinkedIn
- How to use the “Reverse Invite Method”
- The problem with social media for prospecting
- 3 strategies for more MLM leads
So you get more prospects WITHOUT the rejection.
BONUS: 7 More Network Marketing Tips
1. Figure Out Your “Why”
It’s inevitable that you’ll have tough days on your journey toward MLM success. It’s during these times that you need systems in place to help automatically bring back your mental strength.
Having a written why statement will go a long way in helping you stay on track, motivated and ready to keep moving forward.
Example “Why” Statement
So I can build a business that positively impacts my customers and downline distributors, while allowing me to create a passive income stream so I can quit my job and spend more time with my family.
Can you see how having a statement like the example above will help you keep going in the middle of tough times, if the elements of it are things you deeply care about?
2. Never Stop Learning
This is one of the most important network marketing tips I can offer. Too many folks decide they’ve learned enough.
There’s always something new to learn, however. We’ll never know it all. And the amazing thing is the human mind is capable of learning new things every single day.
Keep your spirit of learning alive at all times! Invest more time educating yourself about marketing. Pursue new personal development resources and educate yourself in that area.
Anyone you look at today and consider a network marketing success got there, in part, because they never stopped educating themselves.
3. Develop a Personal Philosophy
Do you have the specific principles and values by which you live your life clearly identified and written out? Don’t allow yourself to be vague in this area. Develop and write out a personal philosophy. Allow it to guide all your actions.

4. Stay Consistent
Consistency, more than anything, will drive success inside your MLM business. You can read all the network marketing tips on this page, feel good for a moment, and still end up disappointed with your results in a few months.
It’s never enough to know this information. The key is to put it to use.
You don’t need to be superman, though. Working a little bit on your business every day is all it takes. 30 minutes here. An hour there.
But it must be consistently done. You can’t do nothing for 3 months and then expect a superhuman effort over one weekend to make up for it. This study proved that students getting 8 hours of sleep did better than students cramming in an all-nighter.
Commit to a little bit done consistently each day. Be the tortoise that kicks the hare’s ass!
5. Get Good at a Couple Things Only
Don’t make the mistake of trying to master too many marketing methods at once.
The professional network marketer identifies one or two techniques they want to become better at and focuses until the job is done.
The struggling networker has shiny object syndrome.
They barely start building their blog, for example, and they get distracted on some silly Facebook bot strategy they’re absolutely not ready for.
6. Protect Your Attitude
You gotta stay positive. There’s a ton of stuff in this world that will steal your positive attitude if you let it.
Use your “Why” statement and personal philosophy from the previous network marketing tips and use them as part of your system for bringing your attitude back up to “10” whenever life gets you down.
Check out the Stanford study that revealed how your positive attitude literally makes your brain work better.
7. Don’t Switch Companies
Another aspect to staying consistent and not falling prey to shiny object syndrome is finding one network marketing company that you love…
…and sticking with that company until you’re winning.
This is an issue that derails a huge percentage of network marketers out there…an issue my industry buddies discuss all the time.
In fact, I even got a text from one of my buddies about it:

Please don’t do this. You can’t win because you never give your efforts time to build and grow.
Allow your efforts to multiply inside the company you joined and love…and don’t let anyone else’s shiny object syndrome nonsense knock you out of the game!
8. Beware the Pyramid Scheme Issue
Yes, you will here people ask, “is this one of them pyramid thingies?”
Educate yourself about these issues. No matter your company of choice, you’ll hear about it.
For example, reps for all these companies need to deal with the question about the pyramid:
- Arbonne
- Melaleuca
- ONEHope Wine
- Young Living
- Herbalife
- Pruvit
- MWR Financial
- Savvi
- It Works!
- Primerica
Feature Download: I’ve put together a free “Quick-Start Guide” that shows you how to implement the theory this post explains to you.
In this collection of MLM guides, you’re shown step-by-step how to get set up so you’re getting quality prospects for your network marketing business.
You’ll learn 5 Simple Steps to More MLM Leads: How to Recruit with the Push of a Button”, plus 5 Bonus Trainings that teach you:
- How to use Facebook
- How to use LinkedIn
- How to use the “Reverse Invite Method”
- The problem with social media for prospecting
- 3 strategies for more MLM leads
So you get more prospects WITHOUT the rejection.
Did you get value from today’s post about tips for network marketing success? Learn something new? How will you use this information inside your business to generate more traffic, leads, sales and reps? Let me know in the comments below…