Written by Matt Zavadil
Updated February 9, 2025
Is MWR Financial a pyramid scheme?
Is MWR Financial a scam?
The answer to both of these questions is:
Let’s now get into all the details.
MWR Financial offers a wide range of products and services that help people secure their financial future.
In this MWR Financial review, I’ll take a closer look at what MWR Financial is, how it helps people, and the available business opportunity.
As a customer of theirs (or thinking of becoming one), I’ll help you see that any “scam” or “pyramid” discussions are silly.
If you’re already an MWR Financial Director and you’re here because you’re concerned about the pyramid scheme discussion, I’ll help you:
- Understand why your company isn’t a pyramid scheme
- Explore the compensation plan
- Learn how to best market your MWR Financial business
Let’s dig in…
Related Bible Verse: Numbers 6:24 The Lord bless thee and keep thee. Commentary: Translated from the Hebrew text, "bless" in this passage means to transfer prosperity in the sense of the financial, material, and physical. The word "keep" is correctly translated to mean "guard," as in guarding us from straying from the Word after prosperity & abundance become potentially dangerous distractions. Lesson: Pray to God for help with your business and finances. He will answer. Once blessed, remember the Source of your financial abundance and keep walking with Him.
Feature Download (if you’re a struggling MWR Financial rep): I’ve put together a free “MWR Financial Quick-Start Video Guide” that shows you How To Attract 3-7 New MWR Financial Clients & Team Members Per Week Without Prospecting A Single Person. In it, I show you how to intimately know the pains & goals of your prospects so that you attract the BEST leads for your MWR Financial business. You’ll never have to spam strangers scripted messages OR bug your friends and family ever again… Click here to grab it all.
Related Reading:
How The Attraction Marketing Formula Will Build Your MWR Financial Business
My Review Of The Attraction Marketing Formula
How To Buy Leads For Your MWR Financial Business
What is MWR Financial?
MWR Financial is a network marketing/financial services company that is based out of Florida.
The company markets a variety of financial products and services.
These include things like credit repair, tax reduction, bill negotiation, and debt elimination.
The organization also has a business opportunity where people can earn commissions by selling these products and services to others.
Who Created MWR Financial?
Brian House is the founder and CEO of MWR Financial. He has over 20 years of experience in the financial industry. As a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Brian House is also a member of the National Association of Credit Counselors (NACC).
Who is Brian House?
Featured on USA Today, CNBC, The Wall Street Journal, Fox Business News, Forbes, and BloombergTV, Brian House ran My Financial Advantage from 1991 to 2016. In 2017, House started MWR Financial. From 2005 to 2016, House served as marketing director for Youngevity.
Are you possibly making the MLM advertising mistakes I go over in this video:

Click here for the Business-Building Training I mention in the above video
Is MWR Financial a Pyramid Scheme?

Let’s define a pyramid scheme:
A pyramid scheme is an illegal business model where people are recruited to make money for the person who recruited them. There is no product or service involved. The only thing that is being sold is the promise of making money.
Now, let’s look at MWR Financial:
The company does have a recruitment arm to it (more on that later), but there is also a product involved. The products are financial services that help people save money by lowering taxes, personal debts, and monthly expenses.
People are not making money by recruiting others. Commissions only go out to the sales force after successfully selling a product.
The term “pyramid scheme” is thrown around online as if the people using it understand it.
The truth is most folks screaming, “it’s a pyramid & illegal!” about dozens of MLM companies they hear about…
…well, frankly, they haven’t a clue of what they speak of.
They’re looking for a “Ponzi scheme”, not a “pyramid scheme”.
In a Ponzi scheme, there is NO product being sold. The only thing that is happening is people are giving money to the person at the top of the scheme, and that person is using new money to pay old investors.
This is what Bernie Madoff did. He was running a Ponzi scheme.
A network marketing company isn’t a pyramid or Ponzi scheme when it focuses on selling a valid product.
Is MWR Financial a scam?
MWR Financial isn’t a scam.
- The company offers products
- Customers buy the products
- MWR Financial reps earn commissions to sell the products
It’s not any different from the real estate industry or any other company where salespeople sell products to the public.
Don’t get twisted up that an MWR Financial distributor can recruit other reps.
Again, it’s the same as when a real estate or insurance broker recruits agents and earns an override on the commissions generated by the agents’ sales.
Is MWR Financial a scam?

Feature Download (if you’re a struggling MWR Financial rep): I’ve put together a free “MWR Financial Quick-Start Video Guide” that shows you How To Attract 3-7 New MWR Financial Clients & Team Members Per Week Without Prospecting A Single Person. In it, I show you how to intimately know the pains & goals of your prospects so that you attract the BEST leads for your MWR Financial business. You’ll never have to spam strangers scripted messages OR bug your friends and family ever again… Click here to grab it all.
How MWR Financial Works
Now that we’ve got the scam and pyramid talk out of the way, let’s look at how MWR Financial works…
The company markets a variety of financial products to give customers a financial edge.
Customers can buy these products directly from MWR Financial or an independent distributor.
When a customer buys a product, the distributor earns a commission.
The distributor can also earn overrides on the commissions generated by any reps recruit into the business. There’s a product involved. People earn commissions on product sales.
MWR Financial Products & Services
MWR Financial offers a variety of financial products to increase a customer’s financial literacy:
- Tax Services
- Debt Relief
- Expense Reduction
- Retirement Planning
- Investment Planning
Tax Services: The company offers a team of tax professionals to help customers lower their taxes. Customers gain a financial advantage by finding deductions and credits.
Debt Relief: MWR Financial offers a debt relief program designed to help customers get out of debt faster.
Expense Reduction: Using a financial expert team, customers can lower their monthly expenses. The company helps with creditor negotiating to find ways to save money.
Retirement Planning: MWR Financial offers a retirement planning service.
Investment Planning: With MWR Financial’s investment planning service, customers can grow their investments.
Joining MWR Financial starts with the MWR Membership and using the company’s Financial Makeover System. The Financial Makeover combines two things:
- MWR Home
- MWR Membership
MWR Home is the organization’s MLM business opportunity. The company shows its Financial Directors how to build a business that increases their income.
The MWR Membership gives its customers the teams mentioned above to lower monthly expenses, debts, and taxes. At the same time, membership strategies help people to increase their cash flow, investment income, and credit scores.
Through the home-based business opportunity, each Financial Director learns how to take one of the hundreds of available deductions at tax time. These deductions include:
- Travel
- Cell phone
- Internet
- Meals
The compensation plan helps a Financial Director earn daily, weekly, and monthly income on the way to earning revenue in 10 different ways.
MWR Financial Edge
MWR calls the financial advantage offered to customers its Financial Edge.
The MWR Financial Edge includes MWR Home and the MWR Membership.
It also shows the poor and middle class how to use the tactics of the wealthy. For example, people can gain a financial edge by employing universal life insurance and private reserve accounts to become their own banks. Wealthy people have used the private reserve account strategy for decades.
A Financial Edge customer also gains access to credit repair services, a business that can provide an instant pay raise, tax return optimization methods, strategies for saving on banking monthly fees, and other Financial Edge methods.
In essence, joining MWR Financial provides the most comprehensive financial package for improving a family’s financial future.
Inside the Financial Edge subscription suite, you’ll get access to the services I mentioned above. Here are the official names for each services area:
Using this service inside a Financial Edge subscription, MWR Financial claims you can work to improve your credit score by up to 150 points.
MoneyMAX gives you access to the advice of professional advisors.
Use the WealthMAX area of Financial Edge to learn how the wealthy leverage the power of indexed universal life insurance instruments.
As a Financial Edge customer, you can use EquityMAX to pay down your debts.
Is MWR Financial Affiliated with MWR Life?
MWR Life and MWR Financial are two separate entities. Brian House used to be affiliated with MWR Life, along with MWR Life owners Yoni Ashurov and Jay Tuerk.
However, House split from MWR Life, taking with him the Financial Edge product over to MWR Financial.
It’s hard to say whether House still has any connection with the Life side.
Here’s a pic of House discussing CreditMAX and Financial Edge at an old MWR Life meeting:

MWR Financial Pricing
Pricing differs depending on how you join MWR Financial. You can pay in three ways:
- Financial Edge: $79.95
- Financial Director: $99
- Sales Rep: $99
As a Director, you’ll also pay a $40 monthly fee for the Business Center.
The Director and Sales Rep payments are one-time fees. The business fees are non-refundable. The Financial Edge fee comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Feature Download (if you’re a struggling MWR Financial rep): I’ve put together a free “MWR Financial Quick-Start Video Guide” that shows you How To Attract 3-7 New MWR Financial Clients & Team Members Per Week Without Prospecting A Single Person. In it, I show you how to intimately know the pains & goals of your prospects so that you attract the BEST leads for your MWR Financial business. You’ll never have to spam strangers scripted messages OR bug your friends and family ever again… Click here to grab it all.
MWR Financial Compensation Plan
The MWR Financial compensation plan is fairly straightforward.
Customer Bonuses
You can get your MWR Financial Membership paid for by enrolling three MWR Financial Membership customers.
MWR Financial pays out $40 for each sale.
After those first three customer sales, you’ll earn a $10 per month passive income stream for each customer sale.
Doing nothing else, you can bring in $3,000+ of passive income by selling one customer membership per day for 12 months.
However, building a team will help you earn more customer points and bonuses. MWR Financial pays you $40 on each customer sale brought in by your team.
Momentum Bonus

You’ll earn a Momentum Bonus of $150 by enrolling three Qualified Financial Directors in your first 30 days.
Help three of your Qualified Financial Directors (QFD) enroll three QFDs themselves and you’ll earn a second Momentum Bonus of $450. You must meet this goal in your first 60 days.
In your first 90 days, you can earn a third Momentum Bonus of $900 by helping your three QFDs enroll three QFDs themselves.
Sponsor Bonus
MWR Financial pays out a $50 Sponsor Bonus when your Independent Financial Directors become QFDs in their first 30 days.
Daily Guarantee Commissions
You can earn from $5 to $8,500 in Daily Residual Income. The commission is based on each leg of your business and helps earn an instant pay raise.
Here’s the table of Ranks and Commission Qualifications for the seven MWR Financial Ranks:
- Executive Director
- Regional Director
- National Director
- Vice Presidential Director
- Presidential Director
- Executive Chairman
- National Ambassador

Millionaire Residual Income Club
As you move up the MWR Financial compensation plan, you can become eligible to earn more revenue inside the MWR Financial Quarterly Profit Sharing Pool.
You’ll enter the Millionaire Club after maximizing the compensation plan and reaching a passive income of $8,400 per month.
Reaching this level of financial security means you also receive the Millionaire Residual Income Ring.
MWR Financial Reviews, Opinions, and Ratings
An MWR Financial Review isn’t complete without looking at MWR Financial reviews from customers and Financial Directors.
Financial Edge Customers
Here’s where I find things getting interesting. With many people reaching for their pitch forks and lighting the stakes on fire regarding various MLM companies these days, MWR Financial rates out at an A- (4 out of 5) rating at the Better Business Bureau.
It’s impressive that the company responds promptly to negative reviews. One MWR Financial review revealed a person blaming others for an inability to check into their personal finances.
Many Financial Edge customer reviews at the BBB came in positive. Here are a few:

Of course, there are unhappy campers as well:

Hard to know in these situations what happened. For example, the dates don’t seem to line up with the first customer’s complaint.
Still, some of the complaints center around the idea that they think the business operates much as a pyramid scam or scheme. There was a claim of misleading info in their advertisement. They want to protect others from falling into it like they did. Doesn’t hold water for me because you only “fall into” things when you don’t think through things all the way.
MWR Financial Directors
Let’s now look at what some of the business builders say. In a world where people try to convince you that every MLM company produces nothing but people losing money, these are insightful.

Is MWR Financial a scam? Certainly not for these folks.
You can see more testimonials by visiting the MWR Financial website.
More here as well.
Did You Join MWR Financial & Aren’t Sure How To Build the Business?
Although I’m not affiliated with MWR Financial in any way, I’ve been successful with building inside a different MLM company.
I’ve built an international organization nine levels deep.
I’d like to show you how you can find success inside the financial solutions industry using your MWR Financial opportunity.
Tools such as land banking, credit repair assistance, financial assistance, whole life insurance, and showing people how to learn financial literacy won’t help anyone if you don’t get good at marketing.
As an MWR Financial affiliate, it’s your job to promote financial freedom.
You can’t do that well until you put marketing systems into place.
Let’s review how you can build your own business, pay for your MWR monthly fees, give yourself an instant pay raise, make money online, and become a financially successful person with an MWR Financial business.
Feature Download (if you’re a struggling MWR Financial rep): I’ve put together a free “MWR Financial Quick-Start Video Guide” that shows you How To Attract 3-7 New MWR Financial Clients & Team Members Per Week Without Prospecting A Single Person. In it, I show you how to intimately know the pains & goals of your prospects so that you attract the BEST leads for your MWR Financial business. You’ll never have to spam strangers scripted messages OR bug your friends and family ever again… Click here to grab it all.
How To Make Money in an MLM Company
The challenge with most MLM companies is they train their people on ineffective business-building methods.
Look at these two phrases:
- Multi-level marketing
- Network marketing
While “marketing” is a big part of the equation, most network marketing companies teach “sales”, not “marketing.
There’s nothing wrong with learning sales.
When done correctly, it’s an honorable profession.
However, most people joining an MLM opportunity would rather make money online and build monthly residual revenue without getting into sales.
Even if you love sales, consider that the MWR lifestyle consultants you recruit into the business won’t think sales is the best way for recruiting people.
MLM Sales vs Marketing Tactics
Think of sales as anything you do that requires objection handling and memorizing MLM scripts.
It’s when you go after friends and family members, or social media contacts.
These people aren’t the best prospects to invite to team meetings or try to sell a Financial Edge monthly subscription to.
Because you’re “pushing” an idea on them, rather than attracting qualified leads.
There’s a term called Attraction Marketing that helped me build my international MLM organization.
It can help you, too.
Instead of the standard “it’s not selling, it’s sharing” MLM tactic, I used this Attraction Marketing training to understand how to identify my “best-fit” target audience.
Then, I learned how to use online marketing techniques to attract a horde of “best-fit” customers to me.
It’s Sharing, Not Selling
Before I discuss how you can use the same Attraction Marketing methods for your MWR Financial business, let me ask you a question.
Have you ever become frustrated with trying to make back your initial investment into MWR Financial by “sharing” the opportunity with friends and family?
Or, have you tried “sharing” the services or business with social media contacts?
You get rejected and go back to your upline to say, “This isn’t working and I’m certainly not seeing the instant pay raise everyone is talking about.”
They tell you:
“Look, it’s a number’s game. You just gotta share with more people. It’s not selling, it’s sharing.”
To be straight up with you:
That nonsense is a lie.
When your goal is to make a sale to an unqualified prospect, you better be great at sales and closing techniques.
Otherwise, you’ll get rejected nine times out of 10.
You better be ready to call on thousands of people over a long period to make more money than you spend on business expenses.
Lastly, trying to get friends and family on a three-way call with you and your upline…
…or to get them to watch a company presentation…
…without being upfront about what’s actually about…
…feels “icky”…
…well, because it’s a bit slimy and inauthentic.
Wouldn’t you rather build your MWR Financial business in a more attractive way?
Here’s how…
Become an Expert Marketer, Not a Salesperson
You can make more money online as a qualified Financial Director by following these steps:
- Identify your customer avatar
- Build a marketing funnel
- Attract qualified leads
- Enjoy enrolling interested prospects
Identify Your Customer Avatar
You want to get very specific here.
Your customer avatar is the person you’re going to market and sell MWR Financial’s services too.
You want to know everything about them.
For example:
- Are they married or single?
- Do they have kids?
- Are they employed, or are they a stay-at-home mom?
- What is their income?
- Where do they live?
- What is their education level?
- What is their net worth?
- What is their credit score?
You get the idea…
The more specific you can be about who your customer is, the easier it is to market to them.
Build a Marketing Funnel
An MLM marketing funnel is a process that you take someone through from the time they first hear about you, until the time they become a customer.
For example, someone might first hear about you through a Facebook ad.
Then, they click on the ad and are taken to a landing page.
On the landing page, they enter their email address to get more information from you.
They’re added to your email list and receive more information about MWR Financial from you.
Eventually, they become a customer or downline member.
The key here is to have a process that you take people through so that you can nurture them and build a relationship with them until they’re ready to buy from you.
Attract Qualified Leads
Qualified leads are people interested in what you have to offer.
For example, when selling financial services, a qualified lead is someone interested in learning more about different financial services like debt management, land banking, tax assistance, and retirement planning.
There are several ways you can attract qualified leads.
Some methods include:
- Facebook ads
- Google AdWords
- LinkedIn ads
- Blogging
- Guest blogging
- Webinars
- Podcasts
If you want to attract qualified leads, you need to put yourself in front of them and offer them something of value.
For example, you could create a Facebook ad that offers a free e-book on credit repair.
If someone is interested in the e-book, they would click on the ad.
You then show them a landing page where they enter their email address to receive the e-book.
Once you have their email address, you can then send them more information about MWR Financial.
How different will your business-building results be when you stop bugging uninterested people and attract already-interested people?
Enjoy Enrolling Interested Prospects
This is the fun part!
You’ve done the hard work of attracting qualified leads and building a relationship with them.
Now it’s time to enroll them into your MWR Financial business.
The best way to do this is by getting on the phone with them and having a conversation.
You want to find out about their goals and dreams, and see if MWR Financial is a good fit for them.
If it is, then you can help them get started on their financial journey.
Remember, these people expressed interest.
They want to talk with you.
If you follow these steps, you’ll be well on your way to building a successful MWR Financial business.
Conclusion: Is MWR Financial a Pyramid Scheme?
If you’re thinking about joining MWR Financial or already joined as an official Financial Director, then you can build an online business that results in financial independence.
Your company offers a good range of financial services that help your customers reach a positive financial destination.
You’re already in one of the MLM companies operating in a manner where active membership offers an excellent product package.
However, becoming involved with a legitimate MLM company or the perfect business doesn’t guarantee success.
The biggest problem you must overcome is the employee mindset all of us were taught since birth.
You’ll achieve a higher rank in MWR Financial by learning to think like an entrepreneur.
An MLM entrepreneur learns how Attraction Marketing operates.
If you’d like to expertly understand the Attraction Marketing model and start creating your dream income, I invite you to learn it from the Attraction Marketing originators right here.
Or, start with my free MWR Financial training for attracting best-fit prospects.

Feature Download (if you’re a struggling MWR Financial rep): I’ve put together a free “MWR Financial Quick-Start Video Guide” that shows you How To Attract 3-7 New MWR Financial Clients & Team Members Per Week Without Prospecting A Single Person. In it, I show you how to intimately know the pains & goals of your prospects so that you attract the BEST leads for your MWR Financial business. You’ll never have to spam strangers scripted messages OR bug your friends and family ever again… Click here to grab it all.