Written by Matt Zavadil
Updated February 7, 2025
It appears that you’d like to learn how to sell Organo Gold online.
Mind if I make an assumption?
I know, I know… “they” say assuming isn’t ever good.
However, I’m sure I’m not stretching things by assuming that you joined Organo Gold because you believe in Organo’s core values, love the coffee and want to spread the message of Ganoderma!
Or, maybe you fell in love with the other product lines:
- Tea
- Skincare
- Personal care
- Body Management
- Travel services
- Cognitive health & wellness
You’re not so excited about much time it takes to prospect and sell offline…
…or, considering COVID…
…trying to message endlessly on social media…
…to a bunch of people who don’t respond and definitely don’t buy Organo Gold coffee from you.
I used to be exactly where you’re at.
I get it.
I’m about to show you how to correctly use the Internet to sell Organo Gold.
Sell Organo Gold? Let’s Get Right To The Point…
I’m sure you’re super busy right now.
Trying to figure out how to keep your family happy amidst the craziness.
Keeping them safe.
Making enough money to make ends meet.
Too many distractions.
If time is tight at the moment and you might need to bookmark this page and come back later to read it in full, then I want you to know about my Feature Download in the blue box below.
I’ll shoot bite-sized “Quick-Start Guide” information pieces to you by email over the next few days so that you can learn about selling Organo Gold without getting overwhelmed:
Feature Download: I’ve put together a free Quick-Start Video Guide that shows you how to implement the theory this post explains to you.
This training shows you step-by-step How to Use The Internet To Get ORGANO GOLD Leads & Sponsor a Team.
It works PERFECT in a Post-COVID19 World, too
Your prospects aren’t comfortable meeting in person & you’re being taught to do absolutely ANNOYING nonsense on social media.
Get my Quick-Start Video Guide and learn how to marry MLM with Online Marketing so you get more ORGANO prospects WITHOUT the rejection.
Can You Really Learn How To Sell Organo Gold Legally Online?
Yes, You CAN Create Your Own Online Presence…
Some people mistakenly think it’s illegal to sell Organo via their own non-Organo approved website.
This is because the Organo Policies and Procedures document says that all independent distributors must get Company approval when using any non-replicated Company websites.
Is this true?
But, what if you could learn how to get online Organo Gold prospects without mentioning the company name, your product line or specific business opportunity?
That’s where we’re going so keep reading!
If you don’t learn what I’m about to teach you, then you’ll most likely fall for one of the biggest network marketing industry lies:
You need to post pictures of your Organo products on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook account in order to get people interested in buying from you.
That’s a huge mistake.
It goes against the very principle that guides how people buy online.
Let’s dive into what makes people purchase products online so that you can apply the education to successfully selling Organo Gold products and/or your business opportunity.
By the way, I get you thinking about 3 important questions in this video that help you know how to build your network marketing business:
Related Reading:
How The Attraction Marketing Formula Will Build Your Organo Business
My Review Of The Attraction Marketing Formula (AMF)
How To Fail: Why Most Distributors Can’t Sell Organo Gold Online
Most independent distributors struggle to make money with Organo Gold because they’ve been sold a “bill of goods”.
Too many “online business gurus” teach pie-in-the-sky Internet marketing methods that say:
“Hey there, all ya gotta do is push a magic button and sales comes rolling in. You’ll be rich in no time.”
Please stop falling for this line of B.S.
And B.S. it is!
Selling anything online takes the same hard work that selling offline requires.
People get online and go nuts with promotion and fail to provide any real value to their prospects.
Let me paint a picture for you:
Would you ever walk into an offline networking meeting and scream at the top of your lungs:
Hey all of you PEOPLE in this room! I’m here baby and I’m an Organo Gold rep and do I have something for YOU all!!! Step right up so I can sell you some amazing coffee! Or, maybe I’ll throw some skincare or travel packages you can give me money for!! How’s that sound, yo? Oh, yeah, and I’ll get you signed up to be in business with me, too, so that we can get rich, rich, rich and retire to our own island in a couple of months! Let’s go folks. Give me some MONEY!!!!!”
I’m smiling as I write the above paragraph and I’ll bet you’re laughing a little 🙂
That would be dumb, right? You’d embarrass the hell out of yourself doing that.
Guess what?
Organo Gold distributors do the online version of this each time they post their product pics or ridiculous business claims on social media walls.
Have you done this?
It’s OK, I used to do this silly stuff before I learned the truth:
You look like a breathing infomercial and it makes you look bad.
It annoys the heck out of your friends, family and social contacts.
They don’t want to see it and they don’t care about buying your stuff because you’re violating a basic business principle.
You Can’t Sell Organo Gold Online If You Dishonor Marketing 101 Rule #1
“To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a whole bunch of undeserving people.”
― Charles T. Munger
Put this Munger quote where you constantly see it.
There’s only one path to successfully selling Organo Gold online:
You must provide your audience real, tangible value first, then sell second.
Here’s the path to successfully marketing online:
- Identify the problems you’re audience desperately wants solved
- Solve those problems for them
But, not easy to implement.
Takes some effort.
Most Organo Gold reps (all network marketers actually) want the Lazy Man’s Path To Riches.
I’ll show you how to do it correctly and blaze to the front of the “Success Line”.
Quick Tip:
Stop looking at yourself only as an Organo Gold independent distributor.
Say this instead:
I’m not an Organo rep. I’m an independent entrepreneur.
Make the choice now.
Do you want to be a dopey network marketer earning $500 per year or a professional, entrepreneurial marketer earning $100,000+ every year?
Ready to do it professionally?
Here we go!
Solve Problems First, Sell Organo Gold Successfully Second
Why would anyone buy Organo products from you?
Start answering that question by asking yourself the problems your products solve for your audience.
Now we hit a problem.
You could off offer me:
- Coffee
- Tea
- Body management
- Personal care
- Skincare
- Travel services
What do you hit me with first?
It’s hard to know whether I’ll have any interest in coffee or travel when you’re spamming me your product images and links on Facebook.
Pick one of those product areas and focus on marketing it.
It’s a fool’s game to set up an online lead generation and sales funnel for multiple products all at once.
Let’s assume you love the coffee line because you love coffee, as well as the antioxidant properties of Ganoderma lucidum.

Don’t ask your prospects to marry you by shoving product pics down their throats on social media.
Date them first!
You “date” them by offering solutions to their problems.
For example, post helpful information about the health dangers of most coffee brands on your blog or social media.
Attract people already searching for this information at the Internet’s searching engines:
- Bing
- YouTube
- DuckDuckGo
Are you more likely to sell Organo Gold coffee to me if I’m searching for a healthy coffee option or spamming me dumb product infomercials on Instagram?
The answer is obvious, right?
Find people who already have the problem you solve, attract them in with helpful information, and THEN sell them.
This process is called Attraction Marketing, by the way. I wrote a review of the Attraction Marketing Formula, which you can read here.
As well, I go deeper into this process here:
Feature Download: I’ve put together a free Quick-Start Video Guide that shows you how to implement the theory this post explains to you.
This training shows you step-by-step How to Use The Internet To Get ORGANO GOLD Leads & Sponsor a Team.
It works PERFECT in a Post-COVID19 World, too
Your prospects aren’t comfortable meeting in person & you’re being taught to do absolutely ANNOYING nonsense on social media.
Get my Quick-Start Video Guide and learn how to marry MLM with Online Marketing so you get more ORGANO prospects WITHOUT the rejection.
Don’t Let Your Brain Stop You From Selling Organo Gold At This Point
When I first learned the concept I’m teaching you, I almost let my fears stop me.
Don’t do that!
It’s fine if you’re a little fearful about creating helpful content.
Understand that you create content constantly.
You do?
Yeah, you do it when recommending a book, movie or fantastic restaurant to others.
You’re telling people the benefits of the book, for instance… providing tips.
Learn how to do that for your business and you’ll sell Organo Gold successfully.
“But, Matt, I’m not really a coffee, or skincare, or travel expert.”
You don’t have to be so stop inventing excuses here, OK? 🙂
All you need is the Journey Approach:
Use The “Journey Approach” To Sell Organo Gold
The Journey approach allows you to be authentically “you” because all you do is say something like this:
Hey, I love coffee! What I don’t like are some of the unhealthy options out there. I’m on a journey to figure out how I can enjoy my favorite beverage in a healthy way. As I do, I’ll tell other coffee lovers about what I’m learning. I don’t know where this is all headed, but I’d love for you to follow along on my journey.
You’ll sell more Organo Gold products if you don’t complicate the process!
Again, here’s all you do to get this going:
Pick your favorite Organo product line, whether it’s the coffee, skincare, travel… whatever… then research the problems with that same interest have:
- What do they worry about?
- What do they want to know about specifically?
- What info or tips are they looking for?
- What are their problems around this issue?
Provide that market (those real people who become your prospects) with ideas, tips and other helpful information that solves their problems.
Guess what?
You’re no longer an annoying infomercial network marketer in their eyes.
Now, you’re a helpful advisor who put their needs first.
When you position your products as the ultimate solution to their challenges, they’re going to finally listen to you and buy from you.
Before I bring all this to a close, remember when I told you earlier not to think of yourself solely as an Organo Gold rep?
Let’s dive deeper into that…
MLM Has Terrible Flaws That Might Prevent Your Goal To Sell Organo Gold
I think network marketing is a great marketing system.
It helps you learn personal development skills, sales skills, how to kick rejection in the teeth and improve your income.
It also has a major flaw:
No Uniqueness
Network marketing produces a bunch of reps who act like mindless drones, all doing the same crap:
- Hitting up friends and family who don’t care to listen
- Hitting up social media contacts who don’t care to listen
- Hitting up people in public who want to be left alone
All of it.
The opposite of Attraction Marketing or targeted advertising.
Your competition isn’t only other coffee or skincare manufacturers.
You’re also competing with every other Organo Gold rep doing that dumb stuff.
Let that sink in for a bit.
Wouldn’t be better to separate yourself from those unprofessional people spamming themselves all over social media?
Marketing successfully requires a unique selling proposition, where you present yourself as a unique entrepreneur, not an Organo Gold simpleton.
Make it your mission to learn how professional online marketing gets done and then apply it to your Organo Gold business.
How To Solve This Major MLM Flaw
The way to rise above the network marketing drones is to create your own unique online presence.
Don’t focus your marketing around Organo Gold.
Focus your marketing on solving the problems of your audience.
So, if you love skincare, create a skincare blog and social media profiles that focus on this topic.
If you love coffee, do it around that.
If you want to sell more Organo travel services, create a travel platform.
Do it this way and you don’t even need Organo’s corporate “big wig” lawyers to approve your website.
Because they can’t stop you from talking about these topics in general!
Your content attracts your “best fit” prospects, you get them on your email list, and then you can email them privately about joining Organo.
Or, you can link them from your general topic blog or social media profiles straight to your Organo replicated website to buy from you.
By the way, don’t gloss over the need to set up your very own blog.
Your social media profiles can get deleted at any time if you violate their Terms of Service.
I’ve had my YouTube account shut down.
Some of my friends have watched their Facebook ad accounts get deleted.
Not fun.
You don’t own those entities. You rent them.
You have far more control on your own website.
Think of it this way:
- Blog = Building a business on bedrock
- Social Media = Building it on sand
How To Sell Organo Gold Successfully: Recap
Here’s why you must stop acting like a walking, talking network marketing infomercial drone.
1) Own Your Own Business
Read your Organo agreement.
You do NOT own your own business.
I know the MLM community loves to say that joining a network marketing business means that you do own a business…
… but, that’s an absolute lie.
If you do anything Organo doesn’t agree with, then they can rip your business out from under you.
Take control with your own website, etc.
2) You Become Unique
Once you learn how to do everything I’m talking about here, then you’re on a journey to sell Organo Gold professionally.
You’ll do it in a way where no one else looks like you.
You’re unique already you amazing human being!
Act like it in business 🙂
3) Create More Revenue Streams
Starting your own coffee and tea blog, or a travel blog, or a skincare blog…
…means you own that traffic and the leads it generates…
…not Organo corporate.
Let that sink in because it’s a huge distinction.
It means you can make money from other sources than only Organo Gold products:
- Selling ad space
- Selling other affiliate products that relate to your blog’s topic
- Offering Amazon products
- Selling your own coaching or course down the road
The possibilities are endless when you see and act like a true online entrepreneur.
Are You Ready To Sell Organo Gold This Way?
When I was first taught these concepts, I about jumped out of my chair with excitement.
I saw that my old frustration with friends and family telling me to get lost or social media contacts “unfriending” me was a thing of the past.
Since you’ve read this far, I assume you’re getting excited too.
But you also might feel some fear.
“Matt, this sounds good, but I don’t know if I can do it.”
Normal feelings.
But, if you let that stop you now, then you’re going to be just as frustrated six months or a year from now.
In fact, you’ll be angry with yourself because you let another year slip through your fingers without making your financial goals a reality.
You’ll feel like you let your family down.
I’ve been through those feelings in the past and it feels terrible.
I encourage you to learn all you need to so that you can become an unstoppable force and sell Organo Gold well…
…and sell circles around your upline and other Organo reps!
Take the next step:
Grab my Quick-Start Guide that explains over the next several days how to implement exactly what I taught you in this blog post.
Feature Download: I’ve put together a free Quick-Start Video Guide that shows you how to implement the theory this post explains to you.
This training shows you step-by-step How to Use The Internet To Get ORGANO GOLD Leads & Sponsor a Team.
It works PERFECT in a Post-COVID19 World, too
Your prospects aren’t comfortable meeting in person & you’re being taught to do absolutely ANNOYING nonsense on social media.
Get my Quick-Start Video Guide and learn how to marry MLM with Online Marketing so you get more ORGANO prospects WITHOUT the rejection.
Did you learn something new today? If so, I’d love to hear about it in the comments below…
And if you feel others on your Organo Gold team can benefit from this info, I’m sure they’d greatly appreciate it if you shared this post with them!