Matt ZavadilWritten by Matt Zavadil
Updated February 7, 2025

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FREE Young Living Business Training

How are you doing in your attempts to sell Young Living products?

Did you join the company excited by the possibilities?

Geez…is Young Living a pyramid scheme?

You were going to get others interested in the health benefits of essential oils and make a nice income with Young Living, right?

Now, reality has set in and you’re disappointed…

…many people seem to ignore you

…some even outright reject your attempts at educating them about the oils that have done so much for you.

Don’t worry.

You’re not alone.

It’s normal to struggle with sales conversions inside network marketing generally and Young Living, in particular.

Related Bible Verse: Numbers 6:24 The Lord bless thee and keep thee.

Commentary: Translated from the Hebrew text, "bless" in this passage means to transfer prosperity in the sense of the financial, material, and physical. 

The word "keep" is correctly translated to mean "guard," as in guarding us from straying from the Word after prosperity & abundance become potentially dangerous distractions.

Lesson: Pray to God for help with your business and finances. He will answer. Once blessed, remember the Source of your financial abundance and keep walking with Him.

Let’s get started…

Feature Download (if you’re a struggling Young Living Brand Partner):

I’ve put together a free “Young Living Quick-Start Video Guide” that shows you How To Attract 3-7 New Young Living Customers & Team Members Per Week Without Prospecting A Single Person.

In it, I show you how to intimately know the pains & goals of your prospects so that you attract the BEST leads for your Young Living business.

You’ll never have to spam strangers scripted messages OR bug your friends and family ever again…

Click here to grab it all.
Related Reading:

How The Attraction Marketing Formula Will Build Your Young Living Business

My Review Of The Attraction Marketing Formula

How To Buy Leads For Your Young Living Business

Young Living Reps Struggle To Make Money

Most struggle to sell Young Living oils

The typical advice for making money with Young Living is:

  • Make a friends and family list, use the best scripts & then try to meet new people when that list is exhausted
  • Post product pics & hype on social media

In reality, these two methods are recipes for disaster if you’re serious about gaining the ability to sell Young Living oils successfully.

The reason is you’ve been taught to go against every success principle for properly finding targeted prospects.

People aren’t interested in skincare or essential oils simply because you happen to know them or have been born into a family relationship.

This is why your friends and family members get tired of hearing your pitches.

They aren’t interested in this stuff and no amount of badgering and convincing will change that fact.

The same goes for your social media contacts.

Sell Young Living Products?

Posting Product Pics & Business Excitement Won’t Help…

Posting your product pics is seen as annoying by most people on Instagram and Facebook.

Here’s why:

Imagine for a moment that you’re walking into a local networking event. The moment you walk through the door, you yell this at everyone already there:

Hey!!! You All! Listen up! I’m a Young Living distributor and we have the absolute best line of essential oils, personal care and other types of products. They are the BEST!!!! Get over here so I can sell you some awesome stuff. Don’t forget to sign up with me as a distributor so we can get rich, rich, rich!!!!! C’mon man, I want to sell Young Living oils to you…

Can you imagine doing that? You’re probably laughing at this image in your mind, but guess what?

That’s exactly what you’re doing if you post about the business or put up product pics on your Twitter or Facebook accounts.

It’s annoying and your social media contacts don’t want to be subjected to your constant attempts at being a personal infomercial 🙂

How many products have you sold this way? How far up the Young Living compensation plan have you gone up after posting this stuff on Instagram?

It’s likely that you’ve had people block you. It’s likely that some may have even told you outright that they’re tired of seeing it.

Warm market and social media contacts are simply not your best target market.

It’s really too bad that Young Living and your upline isn’t better at teaching you how to find the best, most targeted Young Living leads.

YouTube video

Want To Know How To Sell Young Living Successfully?

Click Here For Bonus Material:
FREE Young Living Business Training

The path to success is creating value for others by showing them how to solve problems they’re struggling with.

Serving others by solving their problems is the most effective way to uncover people who will contact you about buying essential oils.

What are the problems you solve with Young Living products?

  • You solve anxiety issues
  • You help people feel better about their health
  • You help people look in the mirror and feel better about what they see

Those are just 3 quick examples.

There are many more.

The point is that all you need to do is show people how your Young Living products are the perfect solution when customers want to look and feel healthier.

Just make sure you don’t jump on Facebook and start shouting about the products.

You need to do what all professional entrepreneurs do:

You don’t ask your prospects to immediately marry you.

Instead, you ask them on a few dates first.

By the way, there IS a correct way to post on Facebook, and I wrote about that here.

Date Your Young Living Leads Before Marrying Them!

Can you imagine meeting someone new that you like a lot and asking them to marry you before the first date?

That’s what you’re doing when bringing up how great Young Living products are before you know much at all about your prospects.

It’s why people run the other way…just like you’d run the other way if you were asked to get married prior to your first date.

  • It’s weird
  • It’s annoying
  • It’s uncomfortable

Try this instead:

Educate your prospects about health and wellness first. This is “dating”. Get them to see you as a trusted advisor first.

Later, position your products and/or business opportunity as their solution (get married).

You have placed yourself in the health and wellness niche by joining Young Living.

Get good at offering quality content that teaches about how the body works and what it needs to be healthier.

Provide skincare tips.

Talk about everything but Young Living.

Stop leading the conversation with anything to do with the company, your products or your business opportunity.

It’s too soon for that stuff and you’ll face a ton of rejection that way.

Teach general health and wellness tips first and get people to trust you. Once they do, they’ll come to you and actually ask about your products and business.

Doesn’t that sound a whole lot better than annoying everyone on Instagram again?

It’s the most effective way to bringing in new customers and team members consistently.

Sell Young Living Oils: When Your Mind Gets In The Way

It’s likely your mind starts thinking stuff like this:

  • “What do you mean, create health and wellness content?”
  • “This sounds too hard”
  • “I’m not good at what you’re talking about”
  • “It sounds easier to simply post more product stuff on Instagram & pray someone buys”

Look, you need to do something different if you expect better results. It’s your business and only you can decide to make the change.

Thoughts like these are normal. We’ve all thought them at the beginning of learning how to do this Young Living “thing” correctly.

I believe you can learn how to do it.

You’ve got to be believe it too.

You share content more than you realize.

When you get excited about a new restaurant and tell someone about it, you’re doing what I’m talking about.

You do the same with a new movie or Netflix show you love.

You take content from the restaurant (menu) or movie (plot or various lines) and you repurpose it into your own words as you tell others about it.

You simply need to do the same thing with the training Young Living and/or your upline provides you.

Don’t tell yourself you can’t do it or aren’t good enough.

Start thinking like a true entrepreneur and give people tips and info that helps them first.

You’ll be amazed at the difference as they become attracted to you

…no more rejection!

Feature Download (if you’re a struggling Young Living Brand Partner):

I’ve put together a free “Young Living Quick-Start Video Guide” that shows you How To Attract 3-7 New Young Living Customers & Team Members Per Week Without Prospecting A Single Person.

In it, I show you how to intimately know the pains & goals of your prospects so that you attract the BEST leads for your Young Living business.

You’ll never have to spam strangers scripted messages OR bug your friends and family ever again…

Click here to grab it all.

But, I’m Not An Expert! No Problem, Just Use the Journey Method to Sell Young Living Oils

You can use this process even if you joined Young Living yesterday.

The reason is you don’t need to make believe you’re a health and wellness expert.

You aren’t a guru and you probably don’t ever want to be one.

You simply want to show others how great Young Living oils are and how their lives will be better using them.

So, be honest about it.

Tell people you’re excited about health and wellness and are on a journey to continue learning more.

Then, invite them on your journey with you.

As you learn more, you’ll share more tips, information and ideas about how to use natural methods to become healthier.

People respect that approach and will follow along with you. As you learn, you educate them. As you educate them, they become inspired.

As they become inspired, they reach back out to you and ask which products are best for their various issues.

Then, you say,

“I’m glad you asked! Here are some great Young Living essential oils to look at.”

MLM Flaws Will Stop You From Making Money With Young Living

It’s true that network marketing has many positive aspects to it.

For example, this business system:

There is one big network marketing flaw:

It promotes a way of “marketing” that makes you look like every other distributor. There’s nothing unique about you and what you’re offering people.

On the other hand, all other businesses in the world focus on ways to become unique. They don’t want to look and sound the same as their competitors.

Your local mechanic tries to be different from other mechanics.

Your bank does the same.

So does your attorney and florist.

Ecommerce companies look for ways to differentiate themselves from other similar companies.

So do bloggers.

Everyone does it except network marketers.

In MLM, you’re taught to look and act just like everyone else.

You can’t possibly make a large Young Living income if you can’t show me why I should buy my oils from you….

…as opposed to the next Young Living distributor telling me how great it is.

Every Young Living consultant is posting annoying product pics on social media.

No one is doing it the professional way…the way you’re now being exposed to.

Network Marketing Hinders Your Chances At Success By This Too:

Another big problem with network marketing is that few companies are “real” when discussing the “numbers”.

Have you gotten excited about the big business you can build at company events or when watching videos about the Young Living compensation plan?

How detailed did those presentations get, though?

Here are the numbers you need to know:

You will typically need to have meaningful conversations with 100 people in order to convert to 3 product sales or to bring in 3 other Young Living distributors.


Do you realize that you simply don’t have the time every month to sleep, work, eat, spend quality time with family and have meaningful conversations with at least 100 people?

And that’s for 3 sales only.

How much will you really make after getting 3 sales in one month?

Not much, right?

Can you see why the friends and family list or mindlessly posting on social media is a recipe for disaster and frustration?

The last problem is you don’t own your Young Living business.

You may have been told the opposite but read the agreement you signed when signing up as a distributor.

The company owns your book of business.

There’s nothing wrong with this…you just need to know about it going in.

Can You Really Make Money With Young Living & Build a Sizeable Business If MLM Has These Major Flaws?

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FREE Young Living Business Training

Yes, you can!

However, it’s imperative that you stop thinking like a Young Living distributor and start seeing yourself as an independent health and wellness entrepreneur.

The next step is to start connecting the way the Internet naturally works to your efforts at selling Young Living essential oils.

What do you do whenever you want to learn something new?

Don’t you go to Pinterest, YouTube or Google and type phrases or questions that bring up relevant information?

Guess what?

Your best qualified Young Living leads do the same thing!

Here’s what your best potential customer is looking up online:

  • Is it possible to get rid of anxiety naturally?
  • Are there essential oils for anxiety?
  • What’s the best way to help my skin look better?
  • Are there essential oils that help skin?
  • Is it possible to promote better digestion naturally?

They are asking those kinds of questions and getting the answers from people who have put together online assets already.

What if you took a little time to craft a few online assets that answered those questions?

If you did, you’d have the best possible kind of prospects knocking down your door to buy Young Living products from you….

…the best prospects are those people who already have the problems you and your products solve.

Stop talking about Young Living on social media.

Stop bugging your friends and coworkers.

Start providing general health and wellness tips, attract the people already open to solving their problems naturally, and then position your products as the ultimate solution.

That is how you sell Young Living products!

Ready To Start Successfully Selling Young Living Products? Here’s How:

Infographic showing how to sell Young Living oils

Posting correctly online through this process I’m teaching you will help you avoid all the negative problems associated with network marketing:

  • Getting rejected by coworkers, family and friends
  • Getting blocked by annoyed social media contacts
  • Running out of qualified Young Living prospects
  • Cringing every time you post another infomercial on Facebook
  • Struggling to meet your Young Living income goals

It allows you to accomplish what you want to:

  • Find all the qualified Young Living leads you need
  • Impact many others in a meaningful way
  • Sell Young Living products without all the rejection
  • Build up a quality passive income source
  • Recruit a large team of distributors

Grab the free resources I’m giving you below.

They will teach you how to take this theory and put it into action…

…action that attracts all the best Young Living leads you’ll need:

Feature Download (if you’re a struggling Young Living Brand Partner):

I’ve put together a free “Young Living Quick-Start Video Guide” that shows you How To Attract 3-7 New Young Living Customers & Team Members Per Week Without Prospecting A Single Person.

In it, I show you how to intimately know the pains & goals of your prospects so that you attract the BEST leads for your Young Living business.

You’ll never have to spam strangers scripted messages OR bug your friends and family ever again…

Click here to grab it all.

Sell Young Living FAQ

Is Young Living a Pyramid Scheme?

You’ll see some people complain that the company is an illegal pyramid scheme.

A lawsuit even cropped up where a distributor claimed that the company operates as a “scheme”.

Many MLM companies have faced this type of litigation over the years. In my humble opinion, many of these suits come from people who get frustrated because they can’t make the business work.

So they play the victim card.

It always comes down to some nonsense about how the company only makes product sales to its reps and not actual retail customers.

Avoid getting sucked into this negative world.

Instead, if you use the advice I’ve given you above about how to successfully sell Young Living, you can build a thriving retail customer base and create a team of business builders.

Don’t play the victim like others do. Become a true entrepreneur and get to work.

Market like a professional and attract real customers with the problems your oils can help alleviate.

Click here and grab all my info about how to do it correctly.

Sell Young Living Via The Compensation Plan

One of the first small bonuses you’ll receive is the $15 Essential Rewards (ER) bonus Young Living pays after one of your Premium Starter Kit team members joins ER.

The Young Living comp plan helps you build your business, rank advance and get paid well as you grow. It does this using a three-level plan.

Build Your Foundation with the Silver Bound Bonus. This compensates as you work though the first levels of the comp plan.

creating the foundation in Young Living

Grow your team beyond selling to retail customers and start adding team members into your business.

Building your business

Become a leader and help your team thrive as everyone learns how to sell Young Living successfully.

Developing leaders

Understanding The Essential Rewards (ER) Program

A key aspect to knowing how to make money with Young Living is understanding the ER program. Part of it is that the auto-ship feature makes sure you’re never personally without your favorite essential oil.

One way to earn extra ER rewards is through the Earn Product Credit feature. You accumulate more points the longer you subscribe to the program.

Get free product using the Free Oils (Loyalty Gifts) aspect of ER. This happens every consecutive month you make 50 PV orders. Young Living sends you free product every 3 months for the 1st year.

When Did Young Living Start?

Young Living began back in 1994 in Riverton, UT.

Gary Young and Mary Young started the company via their small organic herb farming business. Gary knew the power of essential oils, but up to that point, had been unable to properly harness the true potential.

Mary came from the direct selling industry and so they married the health aspect of essential oils to the network marketing model.

The Young family expanded their farmland out into Idaho and Utah over the years so that they could grow clary sage, peppermint, lavender, melissa and many other types of herbs.

Over time, they created their Seed to Seal® process and ended up with North America’s most technologically-advanced distillery in the essential oils industry.

Young Living has grown internationally and has offices in Canada, Australia, Singapore, Japan and Europe. Farms exist all around the world and they’re proud to have helped millions of people through the health benefits of essential oils.

Young Living Products

Young Living Revive products

The product line is extensive and too numerous to list it all out here. They provide essential oils in plenty of varieties to help you sell Young Living:

  • Essential oil singles
  • Essential oil blends
  • Dietary oils
  • Collections
  • Massage oils
  • Roll-ons

Some Young Living essential oils include Bergamot, Angelica, Blue Cypress, Eucalyptus, Dill, Clove, Oregano, Myrtle, Rosemary, Peppermint, Valerian, Thyme, Tea Tree, Sage, Nugmeg, Lemon and Lavender.

Other Young Living products include the “At Home” line of Thieves, KidScents, Animal Scents and Over the Counter. They also offer combo products that include essential oils with supplements.

Skin care, beauty and personal products round out the product line.

Feature Download (if you’re a struggling Young Living Brand Partner):

I’ve put together a free “Young Living Quick-Start Video Guide” that shows you How To Attract 3-7 New Young Living Customers & Team Members Per Week Without Prospecting A Single Person.

In it, I show you how to intimately know the pains & goals of your prospects so that you attract the BEST leads for your Young Living business.

You’ll never have to spam strangers scripted messages OR bug your friends and family ever again…

Click here to grab it all.
YouTube video

Click Here For Bonus Material:
FREE Young Living Business Training

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